No one at Worldmind is a dietician or a physician, and we offer the following page,
and information contained throughout the site, for informational purposes only.
As always in life, we suggest going to fully qualified professionals when
making changes in your diet, or anything which could affect your health.
No warranties, express or implied, are offered through Worldmind.

    Building Components of Life consist of:

  • Protein
    Builds and repairs body tissue
  • Carbohydrates
    Provides energy when broken down
  • Fat
    Part of every cell, source of vitamins
  • Vitamins/minerals
    Help regulate body processes
  • Water
    Life's core component comprising sixty-five percent of our bodies

Let's talk about water first. All organic existence as we know it requires water in some form or another. In only four days, with our water intake depleted, we would all die. That's not a particularly long time. Water comprises all of the bodies fluids and is essential to the chemical makeup of each organism.

One of the fundamental dietary considerations Worldmind has heard from doctors is that people don't drink enough water. To make a small but easy change to the diet, just drink an extra glass of water in the morning. The aveage adult can comfortable process, and benefit from the nutrients, from a gallon of water each day.

If you are concerned about the levelsof fluoride in tap water, then we recommend the purchase of bottled water. There are numerous bottled waters on the market for an affordable price. Another avenue is to have water jugs delivered to your home or office. After an initial investment to purchase the stand, these programs are surprisingly affordable if available in your area. Plus, spring water is very tasty and it makes you feel better!

Eating a variety of foods can usually ensure that one will get all the minerals, nutrients and vitamins one needs. Diet can be an aide in avoiding disease; for example, a diet high in fiber is known to be a preventative measure against colon cancer. Fruits and vegetables are an excellent natural source for Vitamin A (as beta carotene) and Vitamin C -- both essential nutrients.

Some nutrients can be converted through bodily functions if need be, while others cannot and are necessary for healthy survivial. These are called essential nutrients.

Diet is important for staying ahead of such common ailments as elevated cholestrol levels and high blood pressure. Further, a poor diet is known to play a part is ulcers, anemia, and can be linked to certain nervous disorders. Bad diets can be reflected in such things as emotional "mood" swings, high anxiety, regular colds or other feelings of reduced stamina.

Particularly, foods with high chlestorol levels, such as animal fats, or sugar can be adversies to a fitness-smart diet, and can even prove harmful in excessive quantities, and is associated with heart-circulatory disorders.

Unfortunately, the body has a decreasing ability to process these items as one ages, and may suffer ailments later in life that are a direct cause of poor eating habits when young. It is always better to simply eat sensibly, and to understand how to eat to get the right proportion of nutrients in one's diet.

Vegetables are perhaps the single most important key element in a healthy diet that is missing from many people's daily intake. Vegetables have to be fresh, and preferably eaten raw, to be the highest source of important vitamins and minerals essential to a balanced diet.

Fiber and roughage is essential to the way the body processes foods and aides considerable in the digestive tract and the elimination of wastes.

B-complex is found in whole-grain foods, and is integral to the utilization of carbohydrates being broken down to produce energy.

Proteins can be found in meat, beans, particularly soybeans, lentils, whole-wheat and rice. Protein is a rich source of essential amino acids.

Vitamin C is also an essential vitamin, which aides in the immune system and the resistance to disease, but which cannot be stored in the body. It is best to get Vitamin C directly from the food, of which citrus and tomatoes are excellent sources. Supplemens are also relatively safe, but it has been reported that in excessively large doses, Vitamin C can become toxic. It should never be necessary to take such large doses because the body can only process 500 -- 1000 mg of Vitamin C each day.

In fact, many doctors say that vitamin supplements are unnecesary and that the best source for all the necessary nutrients comes from eating the right foods, and that a well-banaced diet would include all the elemnts of good nutrition. However, Worldmind feels that this optimistic attitude reaches somewhat beyond the day-to-day existence in the modern world. Many of us are not nutritionally aware to make adequate confident decisions about which elements could be missing from the diet at a given time. To that end, we recommend dietary supplements used moderately and wisely. If there is any area of one's diet that is lacking in the following nutrients, then we say -- go for a supplement. However, don't forget that if you can get those nutrients directly from a food source, that is always the preferred method.

  • The daily intake list to observe is:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B-complex
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Potassium

Have a Urinary Track Infection (UTI)? Check out this link for some excellent diet tips to alleviate and help correct the problem. Click here for the article.

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