
Grandma Skull and Grandpa Tibia

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Grandma Skull and Grandpa Tibia
by Jeff Rogers

"Mustn't be too precious," my Grandpa would always say, before blowing his nose into Grandma's table cloth. He was a wise old fart, he was. He taught me how to sharpen eggs and how to tie bird's wings together. We sat back and watched them try to fly up from the bird feeder. Oh we had some fun.

Grandma was a wily one herself when it came to all that. She taught my sister how to make earrings from old tractor tires, and casseroles from old t-shirts, the one with yellow sweat-stains under the armpits. Such resourcefulness helped them through the Great Depression, Gram told us. "Don't squander your money," Gramps added, and taught us how to fold a ten dollar bill in such a way that it could bring in five radio stations clear as a bell.

Oh yes, I loved those old coots. That's why I had Gram's skull turned into a lunch box for my own six year old son, and Gramps's tibia made into a flute for our eight year old girl, who's been wanting music lessons. Pass the wisdom down, I always say.

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